Google AI

Hey all, first I’ll say what is AI . AI is also know as Artificial Intelligence and is the simulation of human Intelligence by machines known as computer systems. AI is classified into two types namely,

1. Strong AI

2. Weak AI

Here weak AI is nothing but it is only trained for a particular task which is to be completed. Virtual Assistant’s like Apple’s SIRI is a form weak AI. A Strong AI is nothing but if we assign a task to it , it will find a solution to complete the given task by human cognitive abilities. For example “Turing Test” by Alan Turing a Mathematician who developed this and used to find if a computer can actually think like a human although the method is controversial.

Ok now we will talk about what is Google’s AI is a branch of Google AI research program’s. You all use smartphones and you can see that every android phones have inbuilt program chip which is known as Google Assistant and now you know what is AI. Google’s AI can process commands from a user what he tell to do like make a call, send a text to my friend, book appointments, play games and the list goes on..

Google’s main motive is to organize the world’s information and make it Useful universally. Also AI will be helping us to do solve the problems that we face and find or suggest a better solution to us. Now a days AI is doing more to people’s needs like searching for photos of your loved ones you often search and also breaking down the language barriers by Google translate. AI also provide new way of thinking to the existing problems from rethinking healthcare to advance scientific discovery.

In Healthcare industry deep learning which is a part of Google AI us used to learn health records electronically. Say if a patient goes to the hospital and they have many questions about what will happen next. When I will be able to get home? Will i get better? Will i have to come back to the hospital again? They used deep learning models to predict the condition of the patient by using their past data by machine learning and this helps them to improve on their service. So by prediction we can find a solution to patient who suffers or going to be suffered.

Same as healthcare AI also play a major role in Environmental aspects by predicting the earthquake aftershock locations. By using the main shock occurred during the earthquake we can use that data to find the location where will be the next aftershock will be happening and by identifying that lot’s of lives can be saved. We can also able to forecast the upcoming natural disasters which brings damages to earth.

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